«Radon detection and remediation»


Course Title

ENUSA Training Course on Radon for Building Professionals, Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain, 12-16 November 2018


Laboratory of Natural Radiation, ENUSA IDUSTRIAS AVANZADAS Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain


12-16 November 2018

 Nomination Deadline

31 August 2018

 Course Information

The purpose of the training course is for the participants to understand and gain practical experience in the approaches to minimizing exposure of the public due to radon in homes, both through the development of building codes for the design of new homes and the application of corrective actions to reduce radon concentrations in existing homes.

Each country can propose 4 candidates.

Price: 1900€/participant.

 Course Director

Prof. Dr. Luis S. Quindos Poncela

Universidad de Cantabria; Hospital Nacional «Marques de Valdecilla»

Departamento de Ciencias Médicas y Quirúrgicas; Facultad de Medicina; Avenida Cardenal Herrera Oria S/N, 39011 Santander, SPAIN

Tel.: +34665654573

Email: quindosl@unican.es

Selection Criteria

The participants should be specialists in building control, with a thorough knowledge of issues related to indoor air quality. They must be able to discuss and understand technical aspects of radon and building terminology in English language. Candidates who do not meet these criteria will not be accepted.


The cost per student include:

– Transfer from Madrid to C. Rodrigo and back as well as dayly tranfer from the hotel to the LRN.
– Wellcome cocktail on sunday, 11 November.
– Accomodation for 5 nights in individual room.
– Five breakfast, five lunch  and four diners.
– Certification of attendance.
– USB with material of the course.
– Theoretical and practical sesions.


The students selected must send us ID information necessary to acces into the LRN fifteen days before start the course.

The bus to pick up people from Madrid Airport will depart  at 18 h. For this could be interesting to accomodate theirs flights to arrive Madrid early.



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